Band: Def Leppard
Venue: Maimarktgelande
City: Mannheim
Country: Germany
Date: 31-08-1986
Taper: Unknown
Recording Equipment: Unknown
Quality:9 of 10
Running Time: 61:06
with artwork

01 Stagefright 03:27
02 Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop) 03:39
03 Another Hit And Run 08:00
04 Too Late For Love 05:09
05 Love And Affection 05:02
06 Photograph 04:09
07 Foolin 04:24
08 Let It Go 04:58
09 Rock Of Ages 10:33
10 Wasted 04:02
11 Travelin' Band 07:43

It's one more amazing Def Leppard show of monsters of rock tour.Enjoy it:))