Depeche Mode
Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, CA
5 aug 1990
Size: 706MB
Length: ~107 minutes
Source: Audience
Lineage: master (Sony WM-D3 with included mic/Denon HD8 tape) -> Nakamichi BX-300 -> M-Audio Audiophile 2496 -> Wavelab (added fade out, track markers) -> FLAC level 6 with verify -> FLAC
Grade: ~8
recorded by: superblast!
seeded by: superblast!
Disc 1
01. kaleid (intro)
02. world in my eyes
03. halo
04. shake the disease
05. everything counts
06. master and servant
07. never let me down again
08. waiting for the night
09. here is the house (acoustic)
10. sweetest perfection (acoustic)
11. clean
Disc 2
01. stripped
02. policy of truth
03. enjoy the silence
04. strangelove
05. personal jesus
06. black celebration (encore)
07. a question of time (encore)
08. behind the wheel/route 66 (encore)
There's been a lot of great Depeche Mode shows posted from the current tour so I thought I'd post my recording of the legendary World Violation Tour to show my gratitude. I re-transferred this after learning how to adjust the azimuth on my Nakamichi so this is the best version of this recording that's been released so far. It was recorded from the 9th row, left of center. Due to a tape flip, part of the intro of Clean is missing. I tried to join the parts so it wouldn't be too noticeable. Worth downloading for the amazing version of Enjoy the Silence alone!