Adam Carroll & Marina Rocks
March 23, 2012
The Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe
Galveston, Texas
Source 1: Audience [Rode NT4 Stereo MIC]>Tascam DR-680 [44.1kHz, 16bitWAV]
Source 2: Onstage [Apex Condenser Mics]>Tascam DR-680 [44.1kHz, 16bitWAV]
Source 3: Soundboard>Tascam DR-680 [44.1kHz, 16bitWAV]
Taped by Joshua Cain, mixed in Audacity by scdegraaf
Disc One [53:51]
1. Intros
2. Girl With The Dirty Hair [AC]
3. You Are The One [MR]
4. Banter
5. Screen Door [AC]
6. Banter
7. Shine [MR]
8. Banter
9. Home Again [AC]
10. Banter
11. Comeback Kids [MR]
12. Banter
13. Cain River Blues [AC]
14. Banter
15. It's All Messed Up [MR]
16. Banter
17. Rough Side [AC]
18. Stuck In The Mud [MR]
Disc Two [55:54]
1. Banter
2. Raining On The Dark Side [AC]
3. The Roses [MR]
4. Banter *
5. Tired Of Myself [AC]
6. Banter
7. Baby Steps [MR]
8. Banter
9. Milwaukee's Best [AC]
10. Say You'll Be Mine [MR]
11. Banter
12. Red Bandana Blues [AC]
13. Banter
14. Three Wishes [MR]
15. Banter
16. Oklahoma Gypsy Shuffler [AC]
* The Rex Bell Adams mentions is the owner of the club. Rex (wrecks) is the same Rex
Townes Van Zandt named a song after, Rex's Blues.
Star Bock is the name of the house-brand beer Rex sells. For years he had a copyright battle with the Starbucks coffee chain.
A federal judge ruled he can continue to sell the private brew in his bar but can't sell the beer regionally or nationally.
Rex regularly posts on the Yahoo Townes group. His posts are a delight.
If you ever visit his club be sure to bring a can of dog or cat food.
Even though I never met Rex it's impossible not to love the man: a one man fights against a multinational
and a man who takes care of animal needing a good home.